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Programming/Data Structure

[Hackerrank] InsertNodeAtTail

by 읽고 쓰는 개발자 2020. 12. 2.


Insert a Node at the Tail of a Linked List | HackerRank

Create and insert a new node at the tail of a linked list.


package exam.complete;

import exam.SinglyLinkedListNode;

public class InsertNodeAtTail {

    static SinglyLinkedListNode insertNodeAtTail(SinglyLinkedListNode head, int data) {
        SinglyLinkedListNode nowLinkedList = new SinglyLinkedListNode(data);
        if(head == null) head = nowLinkedList;
        else {
            SinglyLinkedListNode tail = head;
            while (tail.next != null) tail = tail.next;
            tail.next = nowLinkedList;
        return head;


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